Why are YouTube ads over 5 minutes long?

Why are YouTube ads over 5 minutes long?


Over the years, ads have crept into the YouTube viewing experience to support the platform’s upkeep and creators’ income. However, YouTube is now going above and beyond with its advertisements, playing up to 10 of these unavoidable commercials in a row. On YouTube, skippable or non-skippable breaks generally show before the start of a video and throughout it if the producer permits them. These breaks can typically be as brief as a few seconds or as lengthy as a few minutes. However, longer adverts frequently offer the opportunity to skip them after a certain time. Some YouTube users have noticed that, over the past couple of months, the number and length of advertisements on the site have significantly increased, especially in formats that cannot be skipped. 

The increase in reports from viewers who say they see more unskippable advertising during YouTube ad breaks is just as bad, if not worse. These extended breaks are happening more and more frequently lately, while it doesn’t seem to be happening with all movies or viewers. Youtube users with about five advertisements every break are more casual than users with ten ads per break. It indicates a significant increase in the number of advertisements viewers ultimately sees during commercial breaks, which could be more enjoyable for everyone. 

You’ve probably seen a long, boring ad while viewing a video on YouTube, or worse, two long adverts back to back! Since 2021, the length and volume of Youtube advertising have increased. Several factors cause this issue. We address the issue of why YouTube advertisements last longer than five minutes in this post. 

Why Do YouTube Ads Last For So Long? 

Added Income

The settings the YouTube Partners Program (YPP) provides are key reasons for encountering longer or other adverts on videos. A content creator who qualifies for the YPP may monetize their videos by placing adverts. View and engagement rates are the two key criteria to consider when monetizing your YouTube material. All seasoned content producers know that attention shifts to the engagement rate when the channel has sufficient viewers. Some advertisements promise greater involvement yet annoy the audience in the process. Engagement might mean many different things, from passively watching the advertisement to actively participating. You will typically see lengthy, non-skippable adverts more frequently than others in a video because they generate the most engagement. 

Bad Bugs

Have you ever viewed a YouTube video only to be confronted by a single, lengthy ad that you could only skip after 300–400 seconds? Even worse, it could not be skippable! The main explanations for these incredibly protracted advertisements center on maintenance and bugs. Some claim that Google Ads maintenance problems were the root of the problem. This problem may cause very long advertisements to play before the video you’re trying to watch.

Additionally, if you’re watching on a computer, you might see an ad that can’t be skipped that is longer than a week! It is yet another instance of a system bug. You can see if the skip button has appeared by refreshing the page, or you might not see the advertisement. Many people have been perplexed by this glitch, despite it happening infrequently and is, regrettably, a YouTube glitch. 

Creating a Story

Several businesses frequently switch to a marketing strategy that relies on storytelling to increase views. The corporation can establish a stronger bond with its audience through advertisement narrative. They immediately catch the audience’s attention and set expectations with a strong introduction. Additionally, the video’s pace must be just right, both fast and fast. Thirdly, show instead of tell by using appealing graphics. Boredom and the ad’s story can result from too much talking.

Last, they must consider frame and contrast while developing an YouTube video advertisement (check here). It must work well on mobile devices and be adaptable in terms of working in various lighting situations. Constructing all of this in one advertisement takes slightly longer than usual. 

The Approach of YouTube

How many users of YouTube and YouTube Premium do you believe there are? With around 20 million subscribers, YouTube Premium offers ad-free video content. That is a sizable sum. On the other hand, there are more than 2.5 billion active users of our regular, free YouTube! 

This decision on YouTube’s part may be considered a wise move to increase the number of subscribers to YouTube Premium. Who can resist the lure of a video without commercials when they are longer and more annoying? YouTube will urge more viewers to switch to monthly subscriptions by increasing the intrusiveness of its advertisements. 

Cut Down on Distraction

Although it may appear that YouTube only cares about growing its audience or making more money, the company still works to improve the user experience. A recent modification to YouTube’s standard ad structure has been made. 

YouTube chose to place lengthy, double commercials at the start and end of the video rather than many mid-rolls throughout it. There is now a petition to undo this alteration because it is so despised. This method of ad insertion improves the viewing experience, according to research conducted by YouTube. The audience must first put up with the multiple adverts rather than cutting off the film in the middle. Long, double adverts may first bother you, but they are far preferable to be forced to watch an ad when you already watch a program. This method has a reduced likelihood of content desertion and a higher rate of ad views. 


Why are YouTube commercials so lengthy, then? Sadly, there isn’t just one correct response to the query. It might result from system bugs or avarice on the part of the content producers. YouTube may be attempting to change how it presents advertisements to offer viewers a better experience, or it may be attempting to convince them to subscribe to YouTube Premium.

 In either case, lengthy advertisements are undoubtedly bothersome. The longer the commercials are displayed, the more likely it is that YouTube is attempting to increase its revenue. They make more money when people watch the advertisement for a longer period. They can earn money for 15 seconds if they create non-skippable, 15-second advertisements.