Why is watch hour important to small youtubers?

Why is watch hour important to small youtubers?

Youtube channel watching hours is the most important YouTube metric. Every single minute a viewer spends time watching your videos earns you credit. It is a microscopic credit that has to grind its way through YouTube’s algorithm. Watch time is an important metric for promoting videos on YouTube. The algorithm for suggesting videos includes prioritising videos that lead to a longer overall viewing session over those that receive more clicks. So, minutes and hours are more important than views. The average audience retention rate for YouTube hovers between 50% and 60%. That means the typical youtube viewer watching a typical youtube video can be expected to stick around for 50% to 60% of your video’s entire duration. Audience retention is your ability to hold someone’s attention on your video. YouTube watch time is absolutely critical when it comes to channel growth and audience engagement, whether you are a new channel or a seasoned one.

To get monetised on YouTube, your channel should fulfil all the requirements, including the 4k hours of watch time, so that is why also youtube watch hours are very important for small youtubers. 

Tips and tricks to improve your YouTube channel’s watch hour for small youtubers-

  • Craft a powerful Hook. Powering up your videos and boosting your audience retention is to craft a powerful hook. You really need to craft those first 20-40 seconds of your video. The hook of videos depends on how long your content is. 
  • Talk fast or faster and use video editing. It does mean you have to be frantic, but studies have been done actually to count words per minute and that the higher words per minute on YouTube usually hold attention better than lower words per minute. And another way to do this is with video editing. It could be as simple as you just talking at your normal pace and your normal tone. Still, there is a level of jump cutting that sort of cuts off the breaths, and this is a pace and the cadence that you are going to determine for yourself, but it’s certainly a tip that could help people stick with it because the information is coming fast enough that they do not get bored.
  • Use a script or an outline; prior planning prevents poor performance. When you start a video, you get into a video; if it’s disorganised, you lose people on the journey, then that might be the moment they bounce. Because, again, you were able to cut that part out, but you had not planned it out ahead. So like, that’s when people lost attention. If you have a good outline and orderly outline, a logical outline, or a good story curve or story arc, then that helps you hold attention by scripting your videos ahead of time; they are going to be a lot more powerful. 
  • Trim the fluff. One of the best ways you can make your content stronger. Keep it half short and twice strong. If there is any part in your unnecessary videos, cut them, and take them away. People watching are not going to know that it is gone; they are only going to know what they see when you finally present it to them. So trim the video down, trim the fluff, and the key here is to continue to post videos as you have been but then study your audience retention curve, study how much average view duration you are getting, see how you are holding people’s attention and if you can notice a tip or a trend from where people are always dropping off, then consider eliminating that from your video and on your next upload it will be even better.
  • Add Visuals. One of the best ways to hold on to viewers’ attention for a longer period to increase your Youtube channel watch hours is to not just potentially monotonously have one thing happening. Make little pops up, like button things, little subscribe things, transitions, music transitions; those types of things should not be overused, but they can help keep attention for longer periods of time and, so consider adding visuals like graphics and pop-ups and extra footage called B roll and things like that that strengthen your video.
  • Use Drama, Conflict, Open Loops, and Curiosity. One of the ways you could hold attention and, even if you are going long at this point, Open up some curiosity and create a little conflict in the opening. Create some open loops, like putting up a question at the beginning and an answer at the end. This will create curiosity and hold people’s attention on the video for a longer period of time. For if you are doing a tutorial and you are saying that this Is what the end result is going to be, and I am going to show you how to get there so that viewers will be like, wait a minute, How did they achieve that result and you unfold that throughout the video.

To know how to promote YouTube video check here:  https://www.sandeepmehta.co.in/blog/how-to-promote-youtube-video-in-2021-2/